Even If

"The officer assisting the king said to the man of God,'That couldn't happen even if the Lord opened the windows of heaven!' But Elijah replied,'You will see it happen, but you won't be able to eat any of it!'" II Kings 7:2

"You'll never be able to do that even if you tried all day." Those words, in my younger years, would almost always elicit the "You wanna bet!" response from me. This moment was no different. A front flip off a long rope swing, starting from a high platform into a lake. No problem! I was going to do it even if it killed me, which it nearly did. After several painful near misses, I pulled it off much to everyone's surprise including mine.

Our verse for the day is from a scene of a city in crisis. Under siege, they were slowly starving. The king of Israel was inattentive to the word of God. His nation suffered as a result. As a powerful expression of grace, God's prophet Elisha was there to bring the amazing news that God would deliver them the next day. The king's servant said that it couldn't happen even if God rolled down the windows of heaven. The impossible passed him by.

We may not be standing on a high platform today or wasting away from starvation, but we are on the invitation list to experience the impossible in our lives. Jesus told his followers that they would be a part of things greater than they had seen him do. Wow! God is not limited in power. Why is it then that we struggle so often to trust his word? Mountains will keep moving. The only question left is,"Will we or won't we experience it?"


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