No More Fuel
"Fire goes out without wood, and quarrels disappear when gossip stops." Proverbs 26:20 Our family loves campfires. As the sun sets and the air cools, the fire pit quickly becomes the place of focus. A few sticks. A few pieces kindling. A click of the lighter and we're off to the races. Stories get told. Laughter breaks out from faces glowing orange from the warm dancing flames. We'll sit there for hours on end, until the wood runs out. When that happens, the fire quickly fades and the cool air chases us to the fireplace inside. Solomon, who authored the book of Proverbs, undoubtedly had experienced his share of campfires as well. He observed that quarrels fade out just like a fire will without wood. Quarrels require fuel to continue. He mentions the primary one by name -- gossip. Passing negative information around about others is sure to stir the pot. Remove it and peace has a chance. The ability to keep information about others in confidence or to sim...