
"For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ, but also the privilege of suffering for him." Philippians 1:29

Several years ago, I was invited by a friend to a very exclusive luncheon. It was put on by one of the big universities as a "Thank you" to individuals and businesses that had made significant donations to the school. The guests of honor and speakers were the varsity basketball coaches of both the women's and men's teams. It wasn't until the coach came in and sat down next to me that I realized we were at the head table! What a privilege.   

Privilege was also on Paul's mind when he wrote his friends who made up the church at a city called Philippi. Paul was nearly martyred there as he boldly laid his life on the line so they could hear how to be saved. "Believe in the name of the Lord Jesus and you will be saved," he told them. And they did. Privilege, he told them, is both receiving salvation from Jesus and suffering for Jesus so others receive it too.    

I know of no other context where suffering is presented as an example of being privileged. This revelation is truly puzzling. Doesn't being privileged mean smooth sailing? We even bristle at the thought of the Holy Spirit asking of us something that might make us a little uncomfortable much less suffer. Perhaps, in light of the love and suffering of Jesus for us, the time has come to embrace all our privileges. 


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