Small Beginnings

"Then he said to me, 'This is what the Lord says to Zerubbabel: It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Heaven's Armies. ... Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand ... " Zechariah 4:6, 10

This missions project was intimidating to say the least. Reroofing the house, painting the exterior and dragging immense quantities of trash to the road for pick up. Sadly, every house on the street was also consumed with garbage. All the projects were completed as the sun was setting on the last day. Driving out of town, we decided to drive past by what was now "our home" and were brought to tears when we turned on the street and saw that every other home on it had dragged all the junk and trash out of their yards to the front to be picked up too. Small beginnings can turn into huge finishes.  

Zechariah was sent by God to encourage Zerubbabel. As it turned out, rebuilding destroyed temples isn't for the faint of heart. After returning from the exile, the people of Israel were told by God to rebuild the temple. The people around them didn't like the idea. They pressured and intimidated them. They managed to convince the controlling powers to put an end to it. The foundation was laid, but that was it. A start to be sure, but nothing more. How encouraging for them to hear that God rejoiced in it. After all, nothing can be finished that isn't first started. 

Most of us have great dreams and ideas in our hearts and minds. Some come from God himself. Too often, however, they are left unrealized. They are parked in the garage of our hearts with a tarp thrown over the top. Sometimes though, they flourish. Sometimes, they sweep into this world moving, inspiring, changing things for the better. Sometimes, they advance God's agenda sending ripples into eternity. This reality is experienced by those willing to be attentive to the Holy Spirit's call to action. "Go!" "Start!" "Launch!" The first step, no matter how small, is a step of faith which brings joy to the Lord.


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