Strong and Courageous

"This is my command -- be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:1-11

Chants of "You can do it!" followed by "Jump! Jump! Jump!" finally emboldened the timid young man to step off the rock wall into the river below. To this day, I can still hear the shouts and the splash. Popping up out of the water, his expression was unforgettable. Eyes wide. Grinning ear to ear. Arm raised. He was victorious! He had faced down a fear and won. Everyone literally felt the collapse of the unseen wall that had made his life small. This was a triumph that proved to be a watershed moment in his life.

I can only imagine the adrenaline release in Joshua when the Lord looked him in the eye and said, "the time has come for you to lead these people." It's one thing to be groomed for a task, but it's a completely different thing to enter into it. God knew that. He knew where Joshua's head and heart were so he spoke to it. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. He commanded him three times to be strong and courageous. Given the magnitude of his responsibility, where we was he supposed to turn to find this strength and courage? God's amazing answer? -- "I will be with you."  

When we see, hear about or even read about strength and courage there's a part of us that comes alive. Why is that? Deep down, all of us want to be brave. We want to be courageous in the face of trial. Fear is such an intimidating adversary. The unknown is scary. It's ... well, unknown. It's so important to remember nothing is unknown to God. Seen, unseen, yesterday, today, tomorrow are all clear in his vision. He's already there in our last day. He's in every other day as well. Wherever, whenever, he's there. Never alone. Never abandoned. We can embrace this day with strength and with courage. 


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