Gave Up

"You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal's death on a cross." Philippians 2:5-8

It was already a very emotional moment. Having lived in the orphanage for nearly seven years, the other kids and the good-hearted teachers were the only family our son had. As he was leaving to join our family, the tears were flowing. The other kids were all up near the van as the driver prepared to leave. In the hands of one of the other little boys was a Spiderman action figure. We had bought it for our son and he loved it. Apparently, as he prepared his little suitcase to head into his new life, he gave his action figure away to his buddy.

As we reflect on Paul's call to be like Jesus, he noted that the core of Jesus' example was giving up. First, he gave up his divine privileges. What?! I don't even understand what that means much less getting my head around the fact that he did it. Surely that was giving up enough. Nope. He continued to give up more by taking the position of a slave. Seriously?! Surely, that's got to be far enough! Nope. He then went all the way to the cross and gave up his life for us. Paul tells us, "Be like him."

Jesus followers are to be marked by extraordinary sacrifice. Give up. Jesus did. Paul did. What about us? Much of the tension we experience in our walk with God can be traced to an unwillingness to let go of something we don't want to let go of. It may be desires, plans, wants, time, stuff, comfort, money, pride, preferences just to name a few. Is there anything in our life that we are white knuckling today? My guess is we all have a Spiderman action figure that needs to be given away. There is a new life on the other side.


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