Promises, Promises

"And the Lord gave them rest on every side, just as he had solemnly promised their ancestors. ... Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true." Joshua 21:44-45
I wasn't wanting to hurt or disappoint my wife. I didn't wake up that day formulating some dastardly plan to produce unhappiness in her life. Losing her respect is never on my "to-do" list. Sadly, however, that's exactly what happened. I had told her I would take care of this task that was very important to her. "Don't worry sweetheart ... I'll git-r-dun!" Thankful, she moved on to something else. Turns out so did I. Her git-r-dun guy came up short and didn't keep his word. I'd rather not describe the look in her eyes when she realized I didn't come through for her. 
The people of Israel were living in enviable times during Joshua's tenure as their leader. Protection, provision and victory were the common themes of their experience as they stayed humble before God. They had the privilege of experiencing the fulfillment of God's promises in their lifetimes. Joshua called their attention to this remarkable reality as they took possession of the land God had promised them. Not a single one of his good promises went left unfulfilled.
In a world of half-truths, manipulated facts, and outright fabrications, it's never been more important for Jesus' followers to function with faithfulness. How good is our word these days? Does our family trust the words that we say? Do those we work with and for feel no need to check up on the work we said we would handle? Is a promise made, a promise kept in our relationships? Here's some great news. Regardless of where we are now on this issue, with God's help, we can get better. Today is a great day to build trust with all those around us. Make our word good. 


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