
 "That night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream, and God said, 'What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!" I Kings 3:5

Birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, and other special occasions are particularly stressful in my little world. It doesn't matter how much time I spend thinking about what to do when these events are nearing, I always end up in the same place, a state of confusion. I don't ever get it right. Several years ago, I decided to start asking. What do you want? What would you like to do? Where would you like to go? Who do you want to see? Chirp, chirp, nothing but crickets. I beg. I plead, but still no help. O well, there's always next year.

In the Bible, asking is an ongoing theme. God routinely asked people questions as well as asked them to do something. Amazingly, he invites people to ask him questions too. And, as in the story for today involving Solomon, to ask him for something and/or for him to do something. He appeared to Solomon in a dream and asked him what he wanted. What?! Basically, Solomon had carte blanche to ask God for ANYTHING! He chose ... (drum roll please!) ... wisdom. And guess what, God gave it to him along with many other blessings. 
Jesus told us to never stop asking, seeking, and knocking. So, why do we stop? James, Jesus' brother, affirmed that wisdom is a wonderful thing to ask God to provide. He even promises that it will be given when asked in faith. That's fantastic news! So, why don't we ask for it? James also tells us that we have not because we ask not. How crazy is that!? We miss out on divine intervention only because we don't ask!? Why!? Why don't we ask? Let's make it more personal. Why don't YOU ask? Why don't I ask? The provision of God is on the other side of the ask.    


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