Leading Well

 "... Then, turning to Shimei, David vowed, 'Your life will be spared.' ... 'I've decided that you and Ziba will divide your land equally between you.' ... "Come across with me and live in Jerusalem,' the king said to Barzillai. 'I will take care of you there.' ... " II Samuel 19:18-39
I regularly reflect on people of influence in my life. Typically, we call them role models and heroes. Each of the ones in my life share(d) a passionate love for Jesus. They inspired me as I witnessed the Holy Spirit work in and through their life in unique and special ways. They encouraged me by their example to keep my eyes on Jesus, the one who empowers us to advance the Kingdom.
David was just such a leader. He inspired. He called people to a faith in God, a surrender to God that would enable them to experience great victories. He certainly was distracted from time to time, but as we see in this passage, the qualities of mercy, wisdom and generosity were the pattern. He was God's anointed empowered by God's Spirit to change his world.
What is the spiritual temperature of our leadership these days? We are connected in many ways to many different people. Those are places of influence. Leadership is influence. On our own, our influence is at best good for a lifetime. Submitted to God, our influence can touch eternity. Are we seeing the fruit of things like mercy, wisdom, and generosity being produced in our lives? If not, why not?     


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