New Math


"She gave birth to her first child, a son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them." Luke 2:1-7
After watching the film "Greater" recently, I was confronted once again with the harsh reality that blessings from God do not always follow obedience to God. The family in this true story was absolutely rocked to the core. If you haven't seen this film yet, please watch it. We have such a hard time embracing God's sovereign 30,000-foot reality when we are living in a 10-foot world. Good = Blessed. Right? 
I have to believe some of these thoughts had to be whirling through Joseph's mind as he brought his betrothed to Bethlehem. She's very pregnant with a child that isn't his. They're forced to travel over rough terrain for miles. He couldn't even find a proper place to stay to have the baby. Another account records he had to flee with them to Egypt to escape a homicidal king. Can you hear his thoughts? "God, I did and I'm doing what you told me to do. Why all this struggle and hardship? I just don't understand. It doesn't add up." 
This side of heaven we operate in a world infected by sin. God has never promised to insulate us from all the effects of that sin. We will hurt. We will suffer. We will be disappointed. We will be mistreated. We will grieve loss. And yes, God could eliminate each and every one of them from our lives if he chose to do so. In addition, as much as we may think it should, our obedience to him does not force his hand to prevent the hard realities of life from hitting us. Just ask Joseph. Just ask Paul. Just ask Jesus. The testimony of their lives is clear. It's by living for the "there and later" that we will be able to trust in the "here and now." Our losses will be great, but God is greater.


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