

"'Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?' he asked them. 'No,' they replied, 'we haven't even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.'" Acts 19:1-20

There was no point in denying it. I was caught red-handed and full-cheeked. The chocolate chip cookies that were still warm and gooey simply over powered any ability on my part to refrain. My wife had made them for a specific reason which did not include my indulgence. "Are you eating those cookies?" she asked. I chewed faster, but it was no use. She had already walked around the corner and saw the chocolate on my fingers and face. After a good talking to, I sheepishly left the kitchen stealthily grabbing one more cookie on my way out.

The missionary journeys of Paul were filled with the evidence of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told the disciples that when he left, the Holy Spirit would come and dwell within them. In the verses for the day, the evidence of his presence is unmistakable. As the story of the seven sons of Sceva points out, the evidence of the lack of his presence is equally unmistakable. When the scene is over, "The message about the Lord spread widely and had a powerful effect."

If you're reading this today as someone who sees themself as a Jesus follower, there should be evidence of the Holy Spirit in your life. It may not be miraculous healings or speaking in unknown languages or telling demons to take a hike, but the evidence must still be seen. Paul identified some of the evidences when he listed the fruit of the Spirit -- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. Where the Holy Spirit is, "the name of the Lord Jesus will be greatly honored." Is he honored by your life?


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