God at Work

"Then Absalom and all the men of Israel said, 'Hushai's advice is better than Ahithophel's.' For the Lord had determined to defeat the counsel of Ahithophel, which really was the better plan, so that he could bring disaster upon Absalom!" II Samuel 17

I used to think that summer was road construction season. However, the never-ending reality of flashing signs and orange barrels lining the highways reveal that now all seasons are construction season. The crews work during the day. They work during the night. The evidence of their work isn't only seen in traffic jams but also in smooth roads and stable bridges for which we are all grateful.


Family problems are one thing, but a brother assaulting his sister and a brother killing his brother and a son attempting to kill his father is something completely different. It goes way beyond the average family dysfunction. This description is of King David's family! In the middle of this literal royal mess, we see God at work accomplishing his purposes. No wise guy was going to derail that train.


Are there any messes in your world today? Be encouraged. God is still at work. Seek him with your whole heart and ask him to show you where. When he does, join him! He's not done with you or you wouldn't be here. Also, by the way, if you are providing the fuel for some of the messes around you, now is a great time to stop and change course.


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