
Showing posts from July, 2021

God's Ways

  "He was deeply committed to the ways of the Lord." II Chronicles 17   "You're not serious, are you? That's not true! You don't know what you're talking about." It was an interesting conversation to say the least. At some level, I wish I would have said less. Not because what I said resulted in a lively and targeted attack against me, but because what I said drew more attention to me than the particular Biblical perspective I presented. Regardless, it was very apparent that Biblical morality was more than just a little offensive to my fellow college classmates. God's ways aren't always appreciated.   When Jehoshaphat ascended to the throne, he did so fully committed to the ways of the Lord. God's favor was on him as he obeyed God. He sought God. He rejected idols and all forms of false worship. He prepared teaching teams to travel the country. He had numerous copies of the Book of the Law made. Under the blessing of God's protection,...

Just One Wish

  "That night God appeared to Solomon in a dream and said, "What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!" II Chronicles 1:1-13   World peace. The cure for cancer, Alzheimer's, ALS, and every other disease. End of hunger and poverty. Less noble thoughts would include...more wishes, all the money in the world, immortality, power over the entire world. It's such a staggering question to consider. If you could have one thing from God himself, what would it be? My head starts spinning when I think of the possibilities. I've decided to simply wait on answering this question until God asks me.   Solomon couldn't wait any longer. The reason? God did ask him!! Even more than simply asking, he commanded him to reply. What do you want?! It appears that his answer came quickly. No fuss. No tossing and turning. No bargaining. No clarifying questions. Just simply: wisdom and knowledge to rule God's people. That's it? The one person in all of human history ...

Tell Everyone

  "Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Sing praise to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds." I Chronicles 16:1-36   I sat there in quiet reflection as he spoke. It was my wedding rehearsal dinner and my dad got up to speak. He's not known for keeping his comments short, but on this night, in this moment, with every word, he nailed it. In front of all my family and my wife's family, he verbalized very personal and specific reasons why he was proud of me. Very few things in this old world encourage and inspire one's heart like sincere public affirmation from someone we love and respect.   As David and the people of Israel brought the Ark of God's covenant into Jerusalem, there was only one person on their minds and hearts -- Yahweh, the only true and living God. He and he alone dominated the affections of their hearts. Catch the flurry of commands David uses to direct this ...

Years Went By

"After two years went by in this way, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus. And because Felix wanted to gain favor with the Jewish people, he left Paul in prison.' Acts 24 The ruins of Caesarea where Paul was imprisoned under Felix are pretty amazing to see. The big amphitheater, the chariot racing track, and the beautiful blue water of the Mediterranean Sea stay imprinted on my memory. There was also a large collection of stones forming a peninsula under the water. They used to be part of Herod's headquarters where the governors would stay and where Paul was imprisoned. He was stuck there. Two years. I tried to imagine what he heard, felt, and thought while he waited. Felix was familiar with this new movement we call Christianity. Paul spoke with he and his wife about Jesus. It was quite the movement of the heart as Felix was made more than a little uncomfortable listening to Paul speak about righteousness, self-control and judgment. He kept calling Paul to come talk wit...