Years Went By
"After two years went by in this way, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus. And because Felix wanted to gain favor with the Jewish people, he left Paul in prison.' Acts 24
The ruins of Caesarea where Paul was imprisoned under Felix are pretty amazing to see. The big amphitheater, the chariot racing track, and the beautiful blue water of the Mediterranean Sea stay imprinted on my memory. There was also a large collection of stones forming a peninsula under the water. They used to be part of Herod's headquarters where the governors would stay and where Paul was imprisoned. He was stuck there. Two years. I tried to imagine what he heard, felt, and thought while he waited.
Felix was familiar with this new movement we call Christianity. Paul spoke with he and his wife about Jesus. It was quite the movement of the heart as Felix was made more than a little uncomfortable listening to Paul speak about righteousness, self-control and judgment. He kept calling Paul to come talk with him and kept sending him back to the prison for two-o-o-o ... lo-o-o-ong ... years. As he waited, he was always ready at any moment to share about his source of hope -- Jesus.
How long have you waited for something or someone? How long have you waited patiently? Patience is a fruit of the Spirit meaning we cannot manufacture it, only God's Holy Spirit can produce it. Waiting well will never be forged within by the want of our will. It grows when we lay our will down at the feet of Jesus and say, "Your will be done." Isaiah the prophet reveals the secret to knowing if we are waiting well, in patience, "Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength." In Christ, waiting produces strength not weakness.
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