Just One Wish
"That night God appeared to Solomon in a dream and said, "What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!" II Chronicles 1:1-13
World peace. The cure for cancer, Alzheimer's, ALS, and every other disease. End of hunger and poverty. Less noble thoughts would include...more wishes, all the money in the world, immortality, power over the entire world. It's such a staggering question to consider. If you could have one thing from God himself, what would it be? My head starts spinning when I think of the possibilities. I've decided to simply wait on answering this question until God asks me.
Solomon couldn't wait any longer. The reason? God did ask him!! Even more than simply asking, he commanded him to reply. What do you want?! It appears that his answer came quickly. No fuss. No tossing and turning. No bargaining. No clarifying questions. Just simply: wisdom and knowledge to rule God's people. That's it? The one person in all of human history that truly had the one wish opportunity and he went with wisdom and knowledge??!! Yep. God was pleased with that answer and further blessed him.
I wonder if Solomon ever second guessed his answer. Any of us who have ever read the story has. I know I have, but then it starts -- the head spinning. I move on to something else. It is worth considering, however, what made Solomon's request pleasing to God? His request was rooted in the work of God, "You showed...You have made..." His request aligned with the promises of God, "keep your promise..." His request served the people of God, "this great people of yours." I probably won't ever have to answer the one wish question, but I believe with all my heart that a life rooted in God's work, a life aligned with God's promises and a life of service to God's people is more than worth living.
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