A Worthy Servant

"If you explain these things to the brothers and sisters, Timothy, you will be a worthy servant of Christ Jesus, one who is nourished by the message of faith and the good teaching you have followed." I Timothy 4:1-16

As the specific actions of the award winner are being read and described, I can't help but imagine being with them in those moments where life and death were separated by the thinnest of lines. I, inevitably tear up as I hear the words, "with no regard to their own life" followed by some remarkable expression of courage on behalf of others. As the Congressional Medal of Honor is placed around their neck, everyone there and those watching on television passionately applaud such a worthy recipient. 

Paul left his protégé Timothy with a formidable task. His job was continue to lead the church in the city of Ephesus into right teaching, spiritual growth and steadfastness in their commitment to Jesus. In chapter 4, Paul told him to preach the truth and not give in to the false teachers. Quit arguing about godless ideas that are not Kingdom significant. It is a waste of your time. Pour your life into that which leads people to Jesus and encourages them to deepen their relationship with him.

Every follower of Jesus has been given the same responsibility - point people to Jesus and help them grow in their relationship with him. We may not be asked to pastor a church like Timothy was, but we are all ambassadors for Christ. What are we talking about these days that is nothing but a distraction? In what ways are we living that isn't true to that which is right? How are we neglecting all the incredible tools God has given us to be his hands, feet and voice? It's time to, as Paul says, "Give your complete attention to these matters."


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