Childlike Abandon

"'I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn't receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.' Then he took the children in his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them." Mark 10:13-31

One of the things my heart ached for the most when my children grew up were the times when I would come home and they would run into my arms, "Daddy!!" I could have had a terrible day, but in that moment, all was made right. They saw me and their hearts were filled with joy. I didn't do anything. I didn't bring them a gift. I just showed up. That's it. These days, my grandkids have given this priceless gift back to me, "Grandpa!!"

Jesus loved to have the little kids run to him as well. The disciples didn't get it. More accurately, they were annoyed by it and tried to keep them away. Jesus told the disciples to leave the kids alone. They were interfering with those who belonged to the Kingdom. Enter the rich man. The disciples didn't interfere with him. His wealth signaled God's approval, right? Wrong. It was the snare that kept him from childlike abandon. 

Where do we see childlike abandon in our lives today? Who or what do we run to with such glee that we look childish when we do it? We get so cynical and self-conscious when we get older, don't we? The Bible records a different rich man not only running but then climbing a tree just so he could get a glimpse of Jesus. It was childlike abandon that resulted in salvation and great joy! What might childlike abandon to Jesus look like in your world today? 


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