Simply Look

 "Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Make a replica of a poisonous snake and attach it to a pole. All who are bitten will live if they simply look at it!" Numbers 21:4-9

I've always been confused about the medical symbol -- a snake wrapped around the top of a pole. First, I don't like snakes. Never have, never will. If I come across one, I immediately recoil. Snakes, spiders and sharks; no thanks! One day, I did a little research. Okay fine, internet black hole. It turns out that it is the rod of Asclepius, the Greek god of healing. I think a much better source for this symbol is this story in the Bible.

The people were at it again. They never stopped speaking out against God and Moses. Again and again, God brought swift discipline into their lives. This time, it was poisonous snakes. They were all over the place and the people were getting bit and dying. It's amazing how quickly deadly snake venom brings a group to repentance! Moses prayed for them and God told him to put a bronze snake on a pole. "Look at it and be healed!", he told them. This command was one of the few they immediately believed and obeyed.

Jesus was visited by a man one night who was a genuine seeker. Being part of the religious leadership of his day, he was very aware of Moses and all the stories from that time in Israel's history. He knew the snake story. Jesus took him there to help him understand just exactly who he was. He told him just like Moses put a serpent on a pole, he also would be hung on a pole. All who simply look to him in faith will be rescued from much more than snake venom, they will be rescued from sin venom -- a Godless eternity.


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