
Now, O Lord our God, deliver us from his hand, so that all kingdoms on earth may know that you alone, O Lord, are God." II Kings 19:19

What is it about those "World's Strongest Man" competitions that cause even the most determined channel surfer to pause and watch? These men are able to perform feats of strength that are normally reserved for comic books. So, we watch. There is something magnetic about strength. We marvel at it. We wish we had more of it and truth be told, we are vulnerable to the temptation to believe that strength lies within us. For the most part, we realize that Superman is only a comic strip character. Yet, at times and places, there are some, including us, who have come to see themselves as a pretty big deal. It's usually about that time in my life where I experience one of my epic fails. What about you?

In our story today, we see a contrast of two kings. They are on polar opposites in their understanding of where strength and power lies. One king has come to the conclusion that he is to be feared. No one has been able to slow down his steady conquest of his foes and he sees God's people in Judah as the next to fall. Judah's king on the other hand is acutely aware of his strength deficit and simply cries out to God for help. Good choice. From a Biblical perspective, all strength lies with the King of Kings. The first king had to learn this lesson the hard way.

Each day we face a choice: Rely on ourselves or rely on God. We can face our giants alone or we can face them with Jesus. Life is hard enough without our making it harder by continuing to try to draw water from a dry well.

Grace and Peace,



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