No Limits

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us..." Ephesians 3:21

Before the poster found its way into my son's room, it used to hang in my office. Under the picture, I wrote in marker the words, "No Limits". The poster is a frozen moment of one of Michael Jordan's many highlight reel feats. It captures him in mid-flight between the free throw line and the basket during a late 80's slam dunk competition. Needless to say, he won. The picture served as a reminder for me that the impossible is possible with God. Seriously, I'm just as likely to slam a basketball as I am to catch a bullet with my teeth or make an elephant tap out in a wrestling match. It's just not going to happen. So, to see the "impossible" expands my vision.

Paul thought about limitlessness as well. He writes here that God can do infinitely more than anything that we can ask or imagine. Wow! No limits. No ceilings. No fatigue. God. Try this thought on for size ... all this power, his power, is at work within us. Forget the triple shot latte'! This power raises the dead, not just the sleepy.

Today, we have a choice. There's our power and then there's God's POWER. If discouragement and defeat are ruling your days, perhaps it's time to be reminded of and to embrace the "immeasurably more". When we do? ... Let's just say, I'll see you at the rim.

Grace and Peace,



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