
"And so the Lord says, 'These people say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away ..." Is. 29:13

As parents, my wife and I try our best, failing often to be sure, to do the right thing to prepare our kids for a future out from under our roof. When they were little, we would often repeat a scene certainly familiar to you that looked something like this ... An offense against a sibling was committed. The offended sibling cried or yelled or simply just tattled. The offender presented a defense that almost always broke down under cross-examination. The offender was then properly chastised and instructed to apologize to the offended sibling for their offense. The words, "I'm sorry" passed through their lips, but tone and body language revealed their insincerity, never mind the fact that they normally did the same thing again the next day.

In the Bible verse for today, God calls out his people for the insincerity of their devotion to him. It was all lip service with no love in the heart. They were big talkers, but didn't back it up with a true heart.

A wandering heart is something else we are all too familiar with. How much of our devotion to God is about an image and not a true commitment? In sending Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, God forever backed up his claim to love us. Maybe it's time for us to direct an "I'm sorry" to God accompanied with a genuine change of heart.

Grace and Peace,



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