
“I lift my eyes up to the hills-- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip-- he who watches over you will not slumber; ..."
Psalm 121:1-3

It was no use. The path that I thought I wanted to be on had ended. I was on a ledge twenty feet above the boulder covered creek bank below. I could not jump out far enough to reach the water. In front of me was a sheer rock face. There was no way to retrace my steps and no one there to hear my cries for help. On top of all that, no one knew where I was. Stuck and desperate, I began to pray. It's amazing how desperation improves one's prayer life. It was at that time that a thought entered my mind, "Look up." I slowly adjusted my position and looked up the side of the rocky hill. There, growing out of collections of dirt on the rocks, were some small trees, hand grip sized. I jumped for all I was worth, grabbed the little tree and scrambled up the hill to safety. I rejoined the group thanking God the whole way.

We don't know for sure who wrote our verses for today, but we do know that he had found himself on some dangerous paths too. He had needed help. Check out his list of qualifications for the one, from whom, he would seek help: 1. Ruler over all 2. Creator of everything 3. Slip Preventer 4. Protector 5. Eternally vigilant. Seriously high bar. Seriously big God.

Today, you and I are walking on all kinds of different paths in our lives. Inevitably, we are going to need help. We will look ahead, behind, and below. However, it will not be until we look up that we will find the qualified help that we need. I don't know what cliff edge you find yourself standing on today, but I do have a word of coaching for you, "Look up." Take it from me, you'll be glad you did.

Grace and Peace,



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