
“Don't be afraid of what you are about to suffer. The devil will throw some of you into prison and put you to the test. You will be persecuted for 'ten days.' Remain faithful even when facing death, and I will give you the crown of life." Revelations 2:10

There was no way to describe the feeling that came over me when I finally received my diploma. Completed. Finished. Done. Over. No more papers, projects, or tests. Yippee!! What an incredible relief. It was day I had looked forward to for a long, long time.

As we read our verse for the day, we discover in no uncertain terms that testing is not the exclusive domain of this world's educational system. It is also an integral part of God's spiritual educational system. Here we find Jesus telling the people in this church that the devil was going to be putting them to the test. Suffering. Persecution. Death. Talk about a final exam! I wonder what thoughts raced through their minds as they were given this divine "heads-up" to the trouble headed their way. What emotions flooded their hearts? I also wonder how they did.

In considering their journey with Jesus, we can't help but consider our own as well. The truth is, Jesus told us that we all would experience trials of many kinds. We will be tested. I'm sure you are fully aware of that by now. How have you done? How are you doing? The strength to remain faithful is found in knowing the end of the story-- eternal life. Heaven. No more death. No more pain, sorrow, or tears. What a day that will be! It will be a day that we had looked forward to for a long, long time.

Grace and Peace,



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