
“But don't be angry with yourselves that you did this to me, for God did it. He sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives." Genesis 45:5

As I walked away from one more difficult conversation, I began to really get discouraged and frustrated. "What is this all about?", I asked myself and God. My character was being attacked and my integrity questioned. I was confused and hurt and absolutely clueless as to what to do about it. The tunnel of perceived chaos is one, in which, God is powerfully at work. I couldn't see it at the time, but God was doing something in my life that required that tunnel.

In our verse for the day, we find Joseph discovering this same truth in his life. He was, after 13 years of grief, able to see that his brother's mistreatment of him was actually the vehicle, in which, God carried him to fulfill his destiny.

If not today, pain from mistreatment or pain from circumstances is headed your way. Someone is or will soon do you wrong. You will be swept away by some distressing situation. The tunnel of chaos will be visited by us all. It's important for us to hold fast to some important truths in those moments. God loves us. He has incredible plans for our lives. He is sovereign over our chaos. He will bring beauty from the ashes.

Grace and Peace,



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