
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth ... So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them. God blessed them and told them, 'Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. Be masters over the fish and birds and all the animals.'" Genesis 1:1,27-28

Each time the ball drops on a new year, the first thing I want to do is kiss my wife ... a long honored tradition at this point. It's kind of a "Wow, we made it!" Shortly after that, my thoughts begin to drift to the idea of possibilities. A new beginning. What could or should be a part of the newest chapter of this great adventure called life? New Year's Day stirs within us a powerful combination of dreams, hopes, potential and mystery.

Our verses this morning draw us back to the first beginning, "the" beginning to be precise. God's creation in perfection, including those image carriers - men and women. Imagine that, no confusion, no baggage, no hidden agendas, and no shame. Perfect. Blameless. Nothing but possibilities. The world, the universe for that matter, in all it's splendor lie before them. There it was, to be charted, to be explored. They had unencumbered freedom to pursue not only the creation, but the Creator. Yet, in the end, they chose the only possibility that would bring ruin.

So, here we sit, launched into a new beginning. Granted, it's a far cry from "the" beginning, but it's a new one nonetheless. Possibilities lie before us as well. Choices need to be made. And, thanks to Jesus, we can make them in the context of a vibrant relationship with God. The pages are white. The ink well full. Today is our day to begin to fill those pages with realized possibilities. Hold on tight to Jesus. Rumor has it that great adventures come with great challenge. A Navigator of divine proportions is in order.

Grace and Peace,



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