
“'My thoughts are completely different from yours,' says the Lord. 'And my ways are beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." Is. 55:8-9

I once was standing in a circle of college professors. Each had earned their doctorates in their particular area of expertise. My immediate sense of intellectual smallness grew through the course of the introductions. "Hello Dr." ... "Dr." ... "Nice to meet you Dr." And then there was me. The Sesame Street tune starting running through my mind ... "One of these things is not like the other." Thankfully, the conversation remained at a level, within which, I could engage. However, I was keenly aware that if they had chosen to do so, they could have easily discoursed over my head.

In our verses for the day, God in his mercy lets us in on a little secret. The most brilliant of the brilliant of any of us are completely incapable of grasping the mind of God. He is way over our heads. Always has been, always will be. We could no sooner jump up and grab a star than successfully imagine God's ways or ponder his thoughts.

Given this reality of God being higher, what should we do? How about this plan of action for starters ... Since we aren't going to figure out his ways and thoughts, why don't we simply start listening so he can tell us what they are. Additionally, let's choose to trust him when we just don't get it.

Grace and Peace,



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