
"The disciples, each according to his ability, decided to provide help for the brothers living in Judea."  Acts 11:29

I've noticed throughout my life that there always seems to be someone who is "more than", "better than", "faster than", "taller than", "smarter than", "better looking than" (you get the picture) me.  As adults this highly developed art of comparative observation is just as intense as when we were teenagers, but most of the time we try to hide it a little better.  The sad truth is though that we compare ourselves constantly with others.  It's sad because comparing almost always leaves us feeling pretty crummy or arrogant, neither of which is particular praiseworthy.

Luke noted a liberating principle in his record of those who were financially supporting others.  They gave according to their ability.  Joe had ten bucks to give.  Lou had five hundred.  Both were great givers.  Neither needed to pay any concern for the other's gift.  Both were generous.  Both were blessed.

What a relief!  God meets us where we are, not where someone else is.  It's time for all of us to quit wishing we were like so-and-so and just be and do what God has in mind for us.  It's also time to stop throwing stones at those around us who we don't feel are measuring up or pulling their weight.  It's time to enjoy freedom from comparison.

Grace and Peace,



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