
"Moses listened to his father-in-law's advice and followed his suggestions.  He chose capable men from all over Israel and appointed them as leaders over the people.  He put them in charge of groups of one thousand, one hundred, fifty, and ten.  These men were always available to solve the people's common disputes.  They brought the major cases to Moses, but they took care of the smaller matters themselves."     Exodus 18:24-26

There are moments when I feel like I have it all figured out.  Moments when my understanding is full and complete void of any blind spots whatsoever.  Moments when they are wrong and I am right.  These are the moments when I am at my worst.  

Moses is described in the Bible as one of the most humble people who ever lived.  Today's verses reveal this quality of humility in Moses in unmistakable terms.  He was teachable.  He didn't feel the need to impress his father-in-law with his newfound celebrity.  He didn't act superior.  He listened and followed.  The result?  Everyone benefitted.  Humility has that effect.

One of the most insidious characteristics of pride is the steadfast denial of those under its spell that they are struggling with it.  Perhaps a few probing questions may expose what we have been so careful to keep under wraps.  Who is more at fault in a relational struggle in your world today ... them or you?  Are there people you are avoiding because they aren't willing to tell you what you want to hear?  Do you catch yourself reciting lists of all the "right" things you are doing?  When was the last time you admitted to being wrong?  Even at 80 years old Moses could be taught a thing or two.  What about us?
Grace and Peace,



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