Strong and Courageous

Dear Church Family,

As most of you know by now, our church building was vandalized on Sunday night.  Like all of you, I have gone through a roller coaster of emotions from being annoyed, to feeling violated, to being angry and everywhere in between.  How could someone stand under the lit cross on the front of our building and hurl rocks to smash our windows?  I'm afraid I don't have any answers for you nor can we ask those responsible as that is still unknown at this point in time.  In praying through this sad event, God has reminded me of some truths that you may find helpful in the face of this crime against us.

Our mission as a church is: To lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus.  Any church family who is sincerely committed to that mission not only in words, but also in deeds, is a church family who needs to expect and be prepared for any and all attacks from the enemy.  Just to be clear, our enemy as the scriptures say, is not flesh and blood.  We don't fight against rock throwers.  We fight against a much more sinister foe, the devil.  God also tells us in his word (read this several times) ... "Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world."  Praise be to God!

So how do we respond?  First, we must do what Jesus told us to do ... Forgive.  Harboring bitterness is a victory for our real enemy that we simply must refuse to give him.  Second, pray without ceasing.  We must cling to God as if our very lives depend on it, because they do.  Third, be alert and be prepared.  Our foe will never cease to come up against us personally and as a church family.  Finally, let's steel our resolve as a church to continue to be bold and courageous in our pursuit of the fulfillment of our mission.  Serve sacrificially.  Give generously.  Speak truthfully.  And above all ... Love Lavishly.  As God told Joshua, "Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Grace and Peace,



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