Connecting Dots

"An empty stable stays clean, but no income comes from an empty stable."  Proverbs 14:4

On multiple occasions raising kids, we've had conversations with them about the connection between work and having some spending money.  We'll be asked questions like, "Why did she get money to buy ______ and I didn't?" To which we respond, "Well, did you do _______ or help with _______ ?"  Their expressions are priceless as they answer, "Uh..."  In our family, it didn't take long for the kids to figure out that the one who goes with dad to the hardware store and helps with a project receives a "thank you" of some kind.

The proverb for the day expresses this principle in a clear, no non-sense manner.  In an agricultural society, someone with an empty, clean stable was on the fast track to becoming destitute.  Shoveling a little manure is far better than going hungry.

There is the obvious application here to earn a living by working hard, even if it may be unpleasant from time to time.  I wonder, however, how the proverb may read if the principle be applied in the context of let's say marriage, friendships, or most importantly our relationship with God?  Can we truly expect to find that which we aren't even seeking?

Grace and Peace,



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