Be Men

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.  Do everything in love." I Cor. 16:13-14

How would you answer the question, "What does it mean to be a man?"  Desiring to be a man myself and one who wants to encourage others to be men as well, I've thought about it quite a bit.  About the only thing I'm completely sure of is that I have not fully "arrived" in my understanding of what it means to be a man.  Some things I have observed in my journey so far would include: being a male does not make one a man and our society will be of little to no help in increasing our understanding of what it means to be a man.  Our search for answers must begin with and continue with our creator.

In our verses for the day, we see God posting a sign ... Wanted: Men  Not just any men.  He's looking for attentive men.  Firmly rooted men.  Men of courage.  Men of strength.  Men who are driven by the highest motivation - Love.

Our world needs men.  Our country needs men.  Our communities need men.  Our workplaces need men.  Our churches need men.  Our wives need men.  Our children need men.  Not males ... Men.  Specifically, men who rise to God's vision of what that means.  Men who look like the perfect man ... Jesus.  Each and every day, let's pray and ask God to both show us what it means to be a man and to help us become one.

Grace and Peace,



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