
 "Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love." I John 4:18

It's a great relief to have negative things expelled from our lives. After having my wisdom teeth removed, they went into dry sockets. Pain and misery were my only companions for nearly two weeks. There is no way to describe the elation when they finally healed up. I felt like jumping, dancing and doing flips for joy. The only reason I didn't is because I can't really jump, dance or do flips, but you get the point. 

In our verse for the day, John tells us something truly remarkable. Fear has been expelled from the life of the one who truly embraces the love of God in Jesus. How does that happen? Fear involves punishment. If we still think we are going to be punished for our sin, we haven't fully understood what Jesus was doing on the cross. He took our punishment. Why? Love. Pure and simple. When we know this love, we know no fear of punishment for our sin. It's covered. Fear is expelled.

God's grace is awesome beyond our ability to comprehend. Only God's grace can carry us into his presence one day. Only his grace provides every reason to hope, strength under trial, and the desire to extend grace to others. Let's rejoice in the Lord today! Our sin debt has been paid. Our "not guilty" verdict has already been read in throne room of God. Fear has no hold in the life of those who have been bought by Jesus. His love is perfect.

Grace and Peace,

Tom Wiles


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