
“For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen."
Romans 11:36

I enjoy a great question. Most of us do. A good question is one that can't be handled with trite answers. They inspire something deeper than intellectual curiosity. At one time the question, "Why do you think she is the one you are supposed to marry?" was just such a question for me. At another time, "What makes you so sure you should be in full-time ministry?" tumbled through my thoughts. Good questions deserve good answers.  

In the verse for the day, Paul takes just a few words to answer three monumentally significant questions. It's truly remarkable. First question. Where did everything come from? Second question. How does everything maintain its existence? Third question. Why in the world is everything here anyway. The answers: God, God's power, and God's glory. Everything was made for him and by him. Everything begins and ends with God. It's all about him. 

What do those answers mean to us? Another great question. If we drift into thinking life is about us, we will sooner or later be in for a rude awakening. Every decision, every belief, every conviction is to be rooted in the revelation that God provides us in his word. Our opinion or will on a matter is irrelevant. Tough news for our pride. Great news for our souls. Here's a parting question for you. What will be your response to the answers to these three critical questions ... and why?

Grace and Peace,

Tom Wiles


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