
“The oldest son of Israel (Jacob) was Reuben. But since he dishonored his father by sleeping with one of his father's concubines, his birthright was given to the sons of his brother Joseph. For this reason, Reuben is not listed in the genealogy as the firstborn son. It was the descendants of Judah that became the most powerful tribe and provided a ruler for the nation, but the birthright belonged to Joseph."  I Chronicles 5:1-2 

Family is a many-splendored organism. For good and, at times, not so good, our families both write and tell a story. We are both products of and reactions to the environments, within which, we grew up. The fact that we are aware of this reality in no way diminishes it's impact. In some cases, it actually heightens our responses. I treasure the family I grew up in and hope and pray my children treasure theirs. 

In the verses for the day, the priest and historian Ezra, made a point to explain some of the dynamics in the family of Jacob, also known as Israel. One son experienced consequences for his sin. Another son, seemingly for no apparent reason, was the patriarch of the royal line of David and ultimately Jesus. Another son, faithful in trial, saw his sons receive the blessing the first son normally would have. 

I love the fact that God has revealed himself as our "Father in heaven". He calls all those who believe in Jesus his sons and daughters. As such, the same elements of discipline, mercy, blessing and grace will be in play within the context of our relationship with him just as they were in the family of Israel. The difference? All these elements and so much more are perfectly displayed upon the unalterable and immovable foundation of his unconditional and unmerited love. A truth Jesus, his Son, would respond to with, "Hallowed be his name."

Grace and Peace,

Tom Wiles


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