
"And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." Philippians 1:6

Electricity is one of the wonders of the modern age. I truly respect those who have the talent, training and expertise to maximize its potential. I know very little about it, except for maybe one axiom: Before working with electrical wires, be absolutely certain that the power to those wires is shut off. "Kinda sure" it's shut off leads to hair raising adventures ... so I've been told.

Finding a constant in such an uncertain world is a rare jewel to be sure. Paul was excited to share one with his friends who lived in a city called Philippi. They were fellow Jesus followers just like Paul and he wanted them to know a profound certainty. Simply stated, what Jesus has started, he will finish. God is continuously working to transform us from the inside out. In other words, we're works in progress.

What a relief! I don't have to know everything? I'm not going to handle every challenge, temptation and opportunity perfectly? No and no. However, this reality isn't a license to be stupid. It's a call to growth. It's a charge to be a little bit more like Jesus today than we were yesterday. Of this truth we can be certain: God will never abandon us in the process. Let's be sure we extend to him the same respect.  


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