
"He replied, 'What is impossible for people is possible with God.'" Luke 18:27

As the conversation continued, I could tell the man was wanting to say something that he thought I wouldn't want to hear. I gently asked a few more probing questions and out it came. "I think the Bible has some good things to say and there probably is a God, but I don't buy into the magic stuff." He was put off by the miracles in the Bible. His analysis left him stuck at the doorstep of the impossible. 

Jesus, in words and actions, exposed people to the impossible. The self-limited, self-reasoned and self-reliant life was and is far too small for a true engagement with God to occur. He challenged people to consider the impossible. The blind can receive sight. The deaf can receive hearing. People can walk on water. Thousands can be fed with a few loaves. The dead can be brought back to life. 

God invites us into the impossible because that's where he is. Somewhere in my life and and yours, the word "impossible" is being thrown around. It's right there where I believe God wants us to experience him and his power. All God-sized endeavors begin with impossible. As we pray and obey in faith, mountains begin to move. We get to see things only he can do. 


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