
"But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples -- the one who would betray him -- said, 'That perfume was worth a small fortune. It should have been sold and the money given to the poor.' Not that he cared for the poor -- he was a thief who was in charge of the disciples' funds, and he often took some for his own use." John 12:4-6

Her words hit my chest like a sledgehammer -- "So and so told me that you started talking to some other girl." It took me a second to compose myself. That so and so was my friend, so I thought. I don't remember ever feeling before what I felt in that moment. Betrayal. I might have had a few conversations with someone, but I really liked the other girl. Ouch! My teenage drama took a dark and painful turn that day.

Jesus was on his way to the cross. Pain, suffering and the wrath of God for sin was awaiting him. He was anointed with oil as a sign of love and respect and all old Judas could think of was getting more money he could steal. Tragic. Jesus said of his betrayer, "It would have been better if he never would have been born." 

Betrayal is such a powerfully awful word. It's ugly. The pain it unleashes cuts deep. When did Judas become a betrayer? In the garden? Or, maybe he had betrayed Jesus a thousand different times before which made it easier to take the silver coins later. Challenging thought isn't it? I know, given the moments of betraying Jesus in my heart, that I have no room to throw stones at Judas. What about you?


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