
"'My people have forgotten what it means to do what is right,' says the Lord. 'Their fortresses are filled with wealth taken by theft and violence. Therefore,' says the Sovereign Lord, 'an enemy is coming! He will surround them and shatter their defenses. Then he will plunder all their fortresses.'" Amos 3:10-11 

As my wife walked passed me with the trash bag in tow, a little voice went off in my head, "Hey! Didn't you tell her you would take the trash out? So ... why are you still sitting there?" The little voice was absolutely right. I messed up. I had simply forgotten. I understood the task. I said I would do it. I just forgot. It occurred to me, upon reflection, I now knew where my children had picked up this same malady of forgetfulness.

As Amos the prophet was penning these words of God, I can't help but think all of his forgetful moments raced through his mind too. I believe it was a serious moment for him as it was for the people as it is for us to hear clearly that forgetfulness is disobedience. The word of God and the Spirit of God speak to us the will of God for one purpose, for us to do it; for one reason ... love.

The "I forgot" defense for not doing the right thing is entirely without merit. It's fascinating how passionately we will attempt to excuse our disobedience. It's matched only by our passion to complain to God about how unfair it is when we experience the consequences of it. It's time for a new direction. It's time to remember. It's time to proclaim our love for Jesus by doing what he says. In so doing, we are led into the best life possible. 


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