Fear Less
"O Lord, please rescue
me from my brother, Esau. I am afraid that he is coming to kill me, along with
my wives and children. But you promised to treat me kindly and to multiply my
descendants until they become as numerous as the sands along the seashore ...
Don't be afraid of those who want to kill you. They can only kill your body;
they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body
in hell."
32:11-12, Matthew 10:28
As we waited for the doctors
in the consultation room, Mandy and I talked nervously, prayed, and felt our
hearts jump out of our chests when the door finally opened. The focus of this
particular doctor conversation centered around our infant daughter,
specifically, a heart defect that could only be corrected through surgery. It
was a new and fierce fear for us to face. We chose to trust God and put her in
his hands. Thankfully, he gave her back.
Jacob was afraid. His
brother Esau had determined many years ago to kill him. Esau heard Jacob was
returning and decided to go meet him. Jacob prayed. He had no other recourse.
All he had to stand on was the promises that God had given him. He chose to
trust God and leave his fate in his hands. Good choice. Jesus told his
followers to fear God above all. People can only kill your body. They can't
touch the life to come.
Fear will never leave us
alone. There is no off switch. It can define us, hem us in, and leave us
cowering in an unlocked prison cell. It is no respecter of persons and is
absolutely insatiable. Jesus knew his body was going to be destroyed. He also
knew that his Father could be trusted. He refused to allow the fears of this
life to derail his obedience to his Father. What about us? Does our life
declare, "Thy will be done."
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