Don't Stop Them

"One day some parents brought their children to Jesus to touch them and bless them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him. When Jesus saw what was happening, he was angry with his disciples. He said to them,'Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.'" Mark 10 13-14

There are moments in our lives where we wish we could get a redo. A little tweak here and there and it would have been a much better experience for everyone. There are other moments however, that move way passed simple regret. These are the memories we beg God to erase. We hope every morning that we'll wake up to find out they were only a bad dream. We didn't really say or do that. It never truly happened, did it? Yet, with soul crushing clarity, we remember it did.

This scene was one of those times for the disciples. I believe this to be true because I've done the same thing. They stood between people and Jesus. They were a roadblock instead of a bridge. The parents of these children got it right. There was and is no greater call upon us parents than to introduce our children to Jesus. Shockingly, the disciples greeted them not with joy and love, but with coldness and rejection. Jesus' rebuke was swift and forceful.    

Is there anything going on in our life today that is hindering people from Jesus? Have we said or done anything in our past we need to confess and ask forgiveness for that lingers like a dark shadow over our lives? When the full weight of what we've said or done collapses us into a broken heap, what do we do? King David pleaded,"Have mercy on me, O God..." And he did. With God's help, let's be a person that does everything possible to help others find that same mercy.  


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