He's Just the ...

"He returned to Nazareth, his hometown. ... And they were deeply offended and refused to believe in him. ..." Matthew 13:54-58

As I hear some of the tales from my youngest as she continues to plow her way through college, I experience flashbacks to my time in the collegiate experience. Yes, the papers, exams, group projects, labs and way too long lectures. I remember walking out of many testing rooms quite pleased with my efforts. "Nailed it!", I'd say to myself. Later, when the test results were posted, however, it was quite clear I didn't have a clue.   

As Jesus' ministry was really picking up steam, he paid a visit home. He taught. He did miracles. The hometown folks weren't impressed. Just a few years ago, he was playing with the other kids. He worked his daddy's trade. His sisters, his brothers, and mother were there. He's just the kid who grew up next door. They knew him ... or did they?

Jesus, as the unique God-man, is beyond us. We can't figure him out or hem him in. He's beyond our little minds. We know only what he chooses to reveal. The journey with him is a mysterious adventure. The disciples continually scratched their heads as they followed him around never knowing what would happen next. When he appeared to them after he rose from the dead, they finally abandoned all their, "He's just the..." Have we?  


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