
"I am saying this for your benefit, not to place restrictions on you. I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best with as few distractions as possible." I Corinthians 7:35 

As the day unfolded, my wife and my's carefully crafted plan began to unravel. We underestimated the time it would take to finish the first project on our to-do list. We were then intercepted on the way to the next by an urgent situation that we couldn't foresee and couldn't ignore. In our enthusiasm, we added one at the end of the day that wasn't on the list only to realize halfway through, we had missed a previously scheduled engagement. Ugh!

Paul was acutely aware of our tendency to get distracted when he wrote this verse to the Corinthian church. He had just finished providing some strong coaching related to relationships and then told them the reason - "to do whatever will help you serve the Lord with as few distractions as possible." Paul was laser focused. He cared for the eternal. Stuff of earth had no appeal to him. Serving the Lord was first and everything else needed to support it.   

Distractions are headed into your world and mine at a furious pace. Too often, we fail to evaluate just exactly what we are doing and why. One of the biggest reasons for that failure is we simply don't want to do something different than what we are. If we stop and seek God, he might want to make adjustments. It's time to ask ourselves the fundamental question, "What life do we truly want to live, one of our making or one of his making?"


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