
"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" II Corinthians 5:11-21 

There has been quite a bit of home construction in one of my kids' neighborhoods. The houses are starting to get some age to them and the care over the years has been inconsistent from home to home. As a result, sounds of construction are not unusual. Most of them are reasonable fixer-uppers. Some, not so much. One of the homes was in such disrepair that rehabbing it would have been cost prohibitive. The cure? Complete demo. Everything was taken down to the dirt. Nothing was left of the old dilapidated house. In relatively short order, a brand-new house stood in its place.

It's more than a little significant to note that Paul had the options to choose from when it came to the word new in his letter to this church. One Greek word for new means restored, fixed-up and rehabilitated. Another Greek word for new means brand spanking new. Hot off the presses. The 2021 model. The baby in the delivery room new. It was the second word for new that Paul used. When a person says yes to Jesus, there is a re-creation! Jesus used the term born again. Wow! A new person created by the Holy Spirit positioned to live a new life under Jesus' authority. 

If we are or are considering becoming a Jesus follower, it's important to know that he doesn't simply reform or rehab us. We aren't just turning over a new leaf or being reeducated. No, God presides over the creating of a new person. The implications here are beyond staggering. We were separated from God but now we're in his family. We had no hope of heaven but now we're citizens of heaven. We are God's masterpieces created anew in Christ to do the good things he planned long ago for us to do. A new life has begun!!



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