The Plan

 "God has now revealed to us his mysterious plan regarding Christ, a plan to fulfill his own good pleasure. And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ -- everything in heaven and on earth.

As the crew began to wander around aimlessly missing the obvious next steps in the project, it was clear that some direction was desperately needed. Okay, a LOT of direction was desperately needed. Over the lunch break, we assigned leaders to different parts of the project. They each were given a mini crew to help them complete their section. It was so fun to watch this group that was down and purposeless turn into an effective working force. All that was needed was a good plan.
We read today in Paul's letter to a church in the city of Ephesus that God is working out plans, too. Specifically, his plans. His plans, like him, are perfect and good. His plan begins with Jesus and is fulfilled by Jesus. The world God made was designed to function perfectly under Jesus' authority. We've all pushed back against that and found ourselves in need of a rescuer. It's absolutely staggering to consider the one we rebelled against came to rescue us from the consequences of our rebellion. Thank you, Jesus!  
He invites us to consider and to marvel at that which is at the core of God's plan, his love. What a love it is! He then tells us God alone possesses the power to make his plan a reality. One day, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. We all have a decision to make. We can confess him as Lord now as a point of gratitude and worship or we can wait until we stand before him, at which point, we will have no choice. Choose wisely.


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