Just Stay Calm

"The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm." Exodus 14

I have attempted to stand-up paddleboard one time in my life. That was one time too many. I beat myself to a pulp falling over and over again. In between my vain attempts at standing, I was sitting on the board and I saw a dark shadow in the water. I quickly got to my knees and stared into the water and sure enough swimming straight towards me was a 6-foot barracuda. I thought, "Thank you Lord! It's not a shark." Then I thought, "O Lord, Help! There's a 6-foot barracuda swimming right at me!" Mostly, I thought, "Just stay calm...just stay calm..." 

There's something about rocks and hard places that improve our prayer lives instantaneously. At least they should. The people of Israel turned to panic, fear, and angry criticism of Moses who led them between the rock of the Egyptian army and the hard place of the sea. On purpose no less! As it turns out, it was actually God's doing. He was about to display his glory. What did Moses tell the people to do? "Do not be afraid." "Just stand still." "Watch the Lord rescue you." "Just stay calm."

What will we do when it's our turn at the water's edge? They're coming. Whether they are the result of our own bad decisions, the bad decisions of others or simply the fact we're living in a world under sin's curse, the rock and the hard place are coming. We've been in some already. We may be in one today. Our tomorrows have some real doozies in store for us. Our responses in those moments will reveal what we truly believe about God and the condition of our relationship with him. As we enter our days with Jesus, we have every reason to "just...stay...calm."


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