Well Done

"The master was full of praise. 'Well done, my good and faithful servant...'" Matthew 25:14-30

"Well done!" It was written there in bright red pen. It had to be true. Growing up, I had a few teachers on occasion write those inspiring words on my test, a homework assignment or a paper I had written. It wasn't something that happened on a regular basis so that when it did, it made me feel really good. My hard work paid off. I made sure my parents saw it. I even put it on the refrigerator myself! "Well Done." It's inspiring just saying the words. 

Jesus knew that. It's why he featured the phrase in his parable. The vast majority of people value encouragement and the recognition of a job done well. Each of the servants in Jesus' parable were given resources perfectly fitted to their gifts and abilities. Each of the servants were called, trusted, and equipped. The first two were honored by the master when he returned. "Well done!" he told them. Why? They were good and faithful. The last one? Wicked and lazy.  
We read the story and ponder the same question Jesus' original listeners did. Which one am I? It's not a function of what we've been given. We're all given different resources befitting of who God made us to be. It's not a function of information either. The last servant knew everything about the master that the first two servants knew. Even still, he was wicked and lazy. He disobeyed the implied command of the gift he'd been given, "Multiply!" He didn't want to work. He didn't want to step out in faith and be a part of those impossible things only his master could do. Do we? 


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