Understand the Significance

"... for they still didn't understand the significance of the miracle of the loaves. Their hearts were too hard to take it in." Mark 6:30-56

It's taken me decades to begin to understand my wife's language. For example, when she says, "It looks like the trash is full." It means, "Take out the trash." "Nothing" never means nothing. "Whatever" means you better remember what I said three years ago about this topic and my preference or else. Even still, there are moments when she's looking at me and I'm awkwardly looking at her and I know I should know something or do something, but I have zero clue what it is. My mind cries out, "Anyone? A little help here. Husband in trouble. Anyone?"
It's somehow comforting to know that I'm not the only with this problem. In the story today, the disciples had trouble connecting the dots, too. They had seen Jesus do some crazy stuff. Right before this sea encounter, he multiplied loaves and fish to feed thousands! Who does that? The same one who walks on water and calms storms. As Mark writes, you can almost hear him say, "Hello-o-o-o, he's the Son of God." Their amazement betrayed their understanding deficiency.  
The immediate challenge and its accompanying emotions have a way of distracting us. We forget what we already know. We struggle to apply all of God's past faithfulness to circumstances that are threatening us today. The disciples floundered because there was a hardness of heart. What's keeping you from embracing the fearlessness that Jesus' resurrection produced in the lives of these very same disciples a short time later? What is hindering your trust in Jesus when your boat is getting rocked? Remember, as Mark reveals, Jesus' eyes are never off of you. 


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