What Happened?

"Then they offered peace offerings to the Lord, and Saul and all the Israelites were filled with joy....But now your (Saul's) kingdom must end..." I Samuel 11, 13:7-14

I don't really mind assembling furniture. It takes a little time, but it feels good when it's all done. There are times, however, when an assembly starts well with all the pieces accounted for and the bags of screws and bolts are all neatly labeled. The pieces are all there. Step 1 is smooth sailing. Then it happens. 5 steps later, the whole project is upside down and inside out. Somehow, somewhere the assembly didn't line up with the instructions. I'm left with no choice but to disassemble the whole mess and start all over. Strong start. Weak finish.  

This phenomenon is not limited to furniture assembly. It's actually an unfortunately common reality in many Bible stories including King Saul. He had it all together when the starting gun sounded -- obedience, faith, courage and a genuine heart for God and his people. It's inspiring to read until the wheels come off. His first great victory was short lived, especially in Saul's own mind. He forgot. He lost focus. He looked around instead of up. By the time the dust settled, he was out of a job.

There are so few Biblical examples of people who both start and finish well. And even fewer who don't have some type of crash and burn in the middle somewhere. Curious, it's almost as if they're people just like you and me. A single snapshot rarely, if ever, tells the whole story. We don't have to get stuck in one. A life story flows with many plot twists and turns. We can take different paths that lead to different places, better places. Our feet will follow our eyes. So, who or what are your eyes fixed upon these days?


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