
"He told him, 'Go wash yourself in the pool of Siloam' (Siloam means: sent). So the man went and washed and came back seeing!"

 John 9:1-41
I wish I were better at running errands. I've certainly improved over the years, but I still have plenty of room to grow. My wife will ask me to stop at a few different places for very specific items at each one and then drop something at so and so's house on the way home. It's not brain surgery, but I still miss something from time to time. I want to improve because I want her trust in me to grow.  
Being "sent" is a common theme throughout the pages of the Bible. In our story for today, Jesus tells a man blind from birth to wash the mud off his eyes in the pool of Siloam. He obeys and is healed. Shocked, those who knew him took him to the religious leaders where he gave an incredibly bold witness to what Jesus had done. He was faithful to that which he was sent to do. 
Jesus' great commission to his followers then and now begins with the word, "Go!" Go is a mission word. As God's Son was sent into the world to save the world, God still sends his children into the world today. They're sent to tell others what Jesus did for everyone and what he did in their life personally. Our brother and formerly blind man shows us what that looks like. "I was blind. I now see. The only thing that came between those two was Jesus." 


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