Proper Perspective

"He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less." John 3:22 - 4:3

Few things warp a person's perspective like a crowd. We've all witnessed the crash and burn of those who in some way or another have amassed a crowd and weren't able to keep grounded. We've seen many desperately try to keep their name in lights finding the spotlight absolutely irresistible. In all spheres of life, the crowd pulls and the person splinters. From movie stars to politicians to athletes to church leaders to business leaders, the siren song of applause has led many to shipwreck. 

John the Baptist had people around him who were struggling with the love of crowds, but John himself did not. How was that possible? How did he slip off center stage and rejoice that it was happening? In a word, perspective. John knew who he was. John knew who Jesus was. He was the warm up band and praised God for the privilege. God gives to each as he sees fit. True joy and fulfillment come from embracing all that God has created us to be and do for his purposes. The size of the crowd really doesn't matter.

Do we have any crowd hunting going on in our lives today? The acknowledgement of other people can trip us up as fast as anyone else. If we aren't careful, we'll be working for anything and everything else other than the glory of Jesus. Our lives on planet earth are nothing more than a blip within the timeline of eternity. Only capital "K" Kingdom investments have eternal staying power. Knowing what those investments are and having the power to make them are exclusively found in a humble, daily walk with the divine audience of One -- Jesus.


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